Jules Gozo Holidays.

Jules Gozo Holidays are in direct competition with the likes of James Villas for the attentions of the holiday-makers wishing to take in the mysterious island of Gozo (of the coast of Malta, in case you’re wondering)

With this challenge ahead, we knew we needed to place Jules alongside this significant competition from a brand perspective. We immediately began to immerse ourselves in the feel of the island, researching tourist destinations and nature features (of which there are many).

It didn’t take long for us to realise the colour theme of the island is most definitely in the blue area of the spectrum, being so small and dominated by blue skies and seas.

We were also taken by an ancient feature of the coastline, the salt pans… not a natural feature, man-made but certainly a defining vision of the island. We used this as inspiration for the brand patterning, combined with the brand palette.

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